About Us

About Us

I was born and raised in a quaint small town in the Black Forest in Southwest Germany. A country girl through and through I spent most of my childhood and teenage years outside - preferably in the woods and mountains and with animals. I started taking riding lessons at a young age and quickly realized I wanted to learn more. How do you take care of horses? How does one train young horses? And how can you teach other kids to ride? The local horse barn quickly became my second home and all my free time was filled with our three dozen Icelandics, always a handful of Fjord and many other horse-crazy kids.

There I was involved in all things horse; we raised between 3-5 Icelandic foals every year, stood two Icelandic stallions and boarded privately owned horses too. During the school holidays we'd welcome kids from all over Germany to spend a riding vacation (the German version of summer camp I guess!) with us and during the school year we'd offer riding lessons and trail rides to the local kids as well as therapy sessions for children and young adults with special needs. Many lifelong friendships were formed during those years. As well as of course a lifelong love for horses!

Besides my love for animals and nature I've also always been an adventurer at heart. And so my 20ies pulled me out into the world and after a decade spent wandering this beautiful planet I met my adventurous, animal and nature loving husband and we've settled down on 90 beautiful acres just outside Portland in the beautiful state of Oregon. It's a wonderful place to be raising horses and I am excited to see what the Fjord future holds!

Happy horse trails,

Karin McCune

My non-horsey husband Ben being a good sport on our three day horse adventure in the mountains!
Me and my heart horse Tibor back in Germany anno 2000
Guiding a trail ride back in Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I expect when I buy a Frontier Fjords foal?

    Our foals are happily weaned between 4-6 months depending on the individual, the mare and the season. By the time you pick up your furry baby, she will know the foal basics - lead, load, tie, stand for the farrier - can be easily haltered and touched all over and will have been exposed to various farm animals, tarps, water puddles, fly spray and blankets. First vaccines and gelding (billed to the buyer) can be arranged before pickup if desired. I put a lot of time and heart into handling my youngsters to give them the best possible start in their future homes.

  • What are the prices for your horses?

    Raising sane and sound equine is first and foremost a labor of love but one has to be able to pay the bills, invest into future quality brood stock, have a rainy day fund for unforeseen and foreseen veterinary bills. So our horses are not cheap, nor should they be!

    Our weanlings start at USD 7,000. Yearlings at USD 8,000. On the rare occasion that we have a trained older Fjord or retired broodmare available those will be priced on an individual basis.

  • Do you have trained horses for sale?

    Our horses sell as weanlings or yearlings usually. On the rare occasion that we have a trained fjord for sale, it will be posted on this site and our Facebook page.

  • Do you offer stud services?

    Yes! We are standing the German imported phenomenal red dun stallion Njord Halsaes for the first part of the summer 2023 (April through June). Starting 2023 we will also be standing our white dun (grey and red recessive) young stallion Landsdrop Sleipnir, a Bastian vom Oderhaff son, at stud.

    More information can be found on their individual pages. Please message if you have further questions.

  • Can we come visit the horses?

    Yes!! I love showing people to our herd - and maybe even introducing them the Fjord world in general! Our horses live as natural lives as possible and I enjoy giving a tour of our place and setup and answer any questions you might have. That being said, we are a busy working farm so visits are by appointment only!

  • Do you offer horseback riding?

    At this time we only offer horseback riding to our friends and family. It is something I want to add in the future though, so stay tuned!

  • How do your horses live and what care do they receive?

    I strive to give our Fjords a natural as possible horse life. Our foals are raised in a herd setting outside on pasture to learn valuable social skills. We are blessed with almost 90 acres of various terrain and diverse farmland. With the Pacific Northwest being one of the lushest places with a long growing season, managing easy keeper Fjords happy and healthy takes thinking. We have a dry lot, a paddock trail (aka Paddock Paradise) as well as wooded pastures (minimal grass) and open pastures with horse friendly meadow grasses.